YourMOR Online Boutique
Şehr-i Ofis Workspace Provider
Şehr-i Ofis is a hourly, daily, weekly or monthly shared office and workspace provider. Our goal for the identity was to tell the business that there is an alternative way to be in a corporate environment.
Şehr-i Office website has online booking system.
Website url:
Bifincan Interactive Online Market Research
Bifincan Interactive is an online market research platform. The website’s goal was to send products of the brands which takes part within the system to the end users and get their feedback through Bifincan platform.
Takım: Mahalle Aşkına Movie
Cora has a personality of full of energy and happiness. She is a personal sports trainer and blogger. Her logo and blog design had to be colourful as much as it could. Her blog was 2016’s Europe Blogger finalist.
Mutlu Fikirler Atölyesi
Mutlu Fikirler Atölyesi is a platform which organizes trainings, workshops, coaching and inspirational activities. The brand identity represents directly the company’s name which means workshop for happy ideas.
Website url: